Improve the SEO of a microsite: 6 top ways

Search Engine Optimization for microsites is difficult: the whole point of a microsite is limited pages and limited content.

However, there are many techniques you can still employ to improve the search potential of your microsite.

Do a PR campaign to increase your link profile

Reach out to relevant publications to get exposure for your microsite. The more backlinks (links from other publications) your website has, the higher it will rank in search.

Reach out to high authority pages and ask them to link to your microsite. Try to think of what their readers will like to see and read about: try to write their headline for them. If your microsite is a tool that removes backgrounds from images, write to publications with a title like “This new site allows you to put any background on your profile pictures.”

Other publications will post about your site if they think that their readers will enjoy discovering your microsite.

Improve your site speed to reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates.

There are many ways you can do this, but a few popular methods include using a cache plugin, compressing images and applying the Google Page Speed optimization rules.

Make sure that your content is easily accessible from any device, because more and more people are reading on their mobiles. Remember that the average cost of a mobile device around the world costs less than $100, so make your site as ressource-optimized as possible.

Use targeted keywords in your website title

One of the most important things to do is use relevant keywords with which your site will be associated. Use the exact keywords that your readers will look for. For example, for a microsite that offers converting from .PDF to .DOCX, these homepage titles will all generate completely different SEO targets: “PDF to Word”, “How to convert PDF to Word”, “Best Ways to convert PDF to Word”.

Pick the keyword that has the most traffic and which doesn’t have too much competition.

You can also do this by including them in your URLs and page headings.

Use targeted keywords in your meta tags

Meta tags contain data about the webpage that is hidden from viewers but can still be read by search engines. They are often used to describe the content of a page for SEO purposes.

Optimize your meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are an important target for optimization because they can be used by Google to generate the search result snippets, which is very crucial in rankings. They are also what potential readers see before deciding whether to click on a link or not. A good way to improve conversions (clicks) is to have a clear, engaging description of what your microsite is about.

Optimize your URLs

The file name that you choose for each of the pages on your microsite will also have an impact on SEO. First of all, don’t use dynamic parameters for URLs because search engines will not index them properly and users won’t be able to navigate through your microsite easily. Second, make sure that they contain your targeted keywords and have a simple structure.

Optimize images for SEO purposes

Having the right titles and filenames for your images is good practice to improve optimization of each page on your microsite because it gives a clear description of the image which search engines will pick up.

Use the right type of media for your content: infographics and videos for example

There are theories that Google favors websites that use rich media and especially images and videos, because they help establish context and understand what a page is about while increasing user time on site. If you have rich content such as an image or video embedded in your page, it will be easier for search engines to understand the content of the page.

Create a blog section of your microsite

It’s simple: the more pages you have the higher chances you have at reaching traffic. A microsite with a blog section gathers many pages of content. That’s why you should create a blog on your new site and update it regularly to keep traffic high.

Create a custom 404 page

Doing this will remove frustration when users want to visit another page but cannot because it has been moved or deleted. If you don’t have any technical skills, consider using WordPress plugins like 404page or Custom 404 Pro.

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